I'm not a blond. I'll never be a blond. I don't want to be a blond ... but, I can't help but wonder - would my dating life have been hotter if I was a fair-haired vixen? Upon deep analysis of my past relationships and crushes I have discovered that nearly all the guys I have really liked ended up with cute, bubbly blonds. I can do bubbly; in fact, lately I have been quite bubbly, but I can also be quite serious. I'm one of those driven, I am woman hear me roar, Oprah loving, brainy sorts of women ... but, I can do bubbly, really I can.
Don't get me wrong, boys like me. I can get a descent guy. It's just that typically I attract smart, mathematically oriented, Engineer-type guys. Of course there is nothing wrong with this kind of guy; they're usually reliable, considerate ... predictable (snore). The problem is serious + serious = BORING! I have so often been attracted to the fun good-looking jock with a soft side. Unfortunately for me, the jocks that I have encountered are not attracted to the Lois Lanes of this world, they want blond cheerleader types. Which brings me to my first point - I'm not a blond. I will never be a blond. Is there any hope for me?
Don't get me wrong, boys like me. I can get a descent guy. It's just that typically I attract smart, mathematically oriented, Engineer-type guys. Of course there is nothing wrong with this kind of guy; they're usually reliable, considerate ... predictable (snore). The problem is serious + serious = BORING! I have so often been attracted to the fun good-looking jock with a soft side. Unfortunately for me, the jocks that I have encountered are not attracted to the Lois Lanes of this world, they want blond cheerleader types. Which brings me to my first point - I'm not a blond. I will never be a blond. Is there any hope for me?