Saturday, January 31, 2009

I read a fascinating article the other day in (you guessed it) O Magazine. So it turns out, we all fall neatly into one of four categories: explorer, builder, director or negotiator. Which of these four categories we belong to determines what type of partner is our best fit. I suppose I should give you the run-down of each personality:

Explorer: Curious, creative, spontaneous, many interests, take risks, wants a playmate.

Builder: Conventional, loyal, detail-oriented, popular, wants a helper.

Director: logical, emotionally reserved, competitive, wants a mind mate.

Negotiator: Intuitive, emotionally expressive, good communicator, wants a soul mate.

Can you guess which category I fit into? I am an explorer, believe it or not. This article solidifies my suspicions; when it comes to men, I have been barking up the wrong tree. According to the article, explorers are best with other explorers, builders with builders and directors with negotiators. I am relatively certain that most of the guys I've dated are directors; a terrible combination! What I really need, and have always wanted, is a playmate. Do you think I'll be able to find one by Feb. 14th? Did I mention explorers are highly optimistic?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Year in Review

Besides getting divorced in 2008, there have been a number of significant changes in my life. I've lived in three different cities, attended two post-secondary schools, changed religions ... again (but not so drastically this time) and cut my hair! Needless to say, all of these experiences have impacted my very core and it's hard to say what has been the most significant change. I'd say deeper analysis is necessary.

Let's start with the hair. I know to some this might seem like a minor change, not even worth mentioning amidst the swirl of new things that have entered my life. But it wasn't called Samson's glory for nothing- hair can have symbolic value. For me, cutting off my hair was one of the most freeing experiences I'd had in a long time and it was the precursor to even more groundbreaking life changes. When I cut my hair, I stood a little taller and felt a little braver.

Here we go again with the religion thing; I left the Morman's. I still have friends and family who are Mormans, so don't expect me to trash my former religion. For me, this change was about envisioning life outside of the box and learning to be a good person without an extremely detailed and specific instruction manual. Does that make any sense? If not, feel free to skip ahead. Since, going back to being a regular ol' Christian, (a very open minded one I might add) I have done several naughty things that would have been taboo during my more religious days; I've worn sleeveless dresses (the proof is on Facebook); I have the odd alcoholic beverage or two; I steal candy from children - ha ha ha, just kidding! The point is, I feel less restrained and more able to enjoy this glimmer of youth that I have.

Three different cities, three different flavours, and one little old me. I have been on a whirlwind tour of the West Coast. I was in Victoria for eight months, Vancouver for three and now I'm stuck in Nanaimo for two years (I'm currently about four months into my sentence). I have to say that Victoria enchanted me the most. I was swept away by it's purity and charm; I fell in love with the downtown area, which sparkled in the winter and blossomed with cherry trees in the early spring. Many of the people were as charming as the city itself ... sigh. Then, I was off to Vancouver, a city of bright lights, style and sexiness. The shopping, the restaurants, the constant buzz - it was fun for the summer, but also exhausting. And now ... now I am in Nanaimo. Nanaimo is what one would call a port city. It has all the ingredients of a beautiful city - water, mountains, greenery, but is seriously lacking in charm. What have I learned from all this moving about? I know that I can be happy -or miserable - anywhere I live. So far I feel like I have been in the right location for each successive phase of my life. I really have no idea where life will take me next and I like it that way.

So that was just a glimpse of my 2008, which, incidentally, was my year according to the Chinese calendar (year of the Rat). Whatever 2009 has in store, I say bring it on!