Sunday, August 17, 2008

Glass Women

I have known a fair amount of glass women. They are the women whose frail physical appearance mirrors a deeper emotional fragility. They have soft-spoken voices and delicate gestures. Sometimes they are pretty, sometimes not.

I've been trying to figure out what is so appealing about these women. Is it the fact that they could shatter into a million pieces at any moment and being there to pick up the pieces makes one feel heroic? Could it be that the obviousness of their insecurities makes others feel more comfortable with their own misgivings? I don't know. But I must say that at times I admire such women, or at the least I am intrigued by them.

I'm sure by my tone you can infer that I am not a willowy, tenuous woman. I am sturdy physically and I like to think that I am emotionally resilient. I am sensitive, I swear, but I rarely let my emotions spill into public view. I hold them tightly to me and if they make me feel weak or helpless I try to get rid of them. I purge my emotions by writing them down ( no surprise there) or going for a run. Does this make me less appealing or less feminine? If I did shatter into a million pieces would Prince Charming rush to rescue me?

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